A Vibrant Drinks Menu Template for Nightclubs & Bars in Photoshop PSD Format
This vibrant Cocktail Drinks Menu Template is particularly well-suited to nightclubs, cocktail bars and other nightlife venues. The menu template features a front cover page and a single menu page layout, with a variety of text layout options. The design features a smoky pink & blue atmospheric style, making it perfect for nightclubs. This menu template comes in Photoshop PSD format with two paper size options.
File Information
- The templates come in Photoshop PSD.
- To edit this template, you will need Adobe Photoshop.
- The design is print-ready in 300ppi CMYK colour format.
- All layers are organized & clearly labelled for fast and efficient editing.
- Stock photos are included, though using your own is also easy.
- Final printed size:
A4: 8.27 x 11.69 in / 595 x 842 pt / 210 x 297 mm
US Letter: 8.5 x 11 in / 612 x 792 pt / 216 x 279 mm